3D Art > Season of the Witch

Here is the Baal (pronounced 'bale') demon in all her wrinkled glory.

I contriibuted Conceptual designs (under Nate Fredenburg), with the client picking and choosing elements they liked until we came up with the final design. This design featured a rack of horns and a definite feminine bent... though, not female. It's the RuPaul of the demon set, i guess!
At this point I headed into zBrush and started a sculpt with a few parameters, one of which was to use an existing mesh to save time/money. After my sculpt was approved, the model went in for retopologising.
Later, as the creature was being painted, i also contributed a set of surface displacement maps which had wrinkling, sagging flesh and puckering. These were handed off to Renee Binkowski, the lead painter, to marry into the final 'look'.

Season of the Witch: Baal final look
Season of the Witch: Baal final look
zbrush, Maya