Season of the Witch
Here is the Baal (pronounced 'bale') demon in all her wrinkled glory.
I contriibuted Conceptual designs (under Nate Fredenburg), with the client picking and choosing elements they liked until we came up with the final design. This design featured a rack of horns and a definite feminine bent... though, not female. It's the RuPaul of the demon set, i guess!
At this point I headed into zBrush and started a sculpt with a few parameters, one of which was to use an existing mesh to save time/money. After my sculpt was approved, the model went in for retopologising.
Later, as the creature was being painted, i also contributed a set of surface displacement maps which had wrinkling, sagging flesh and puckering. These were handed off to Renee Binkowski, the lead painter, to marry into the final 'look'.